Tuesday 15 September 2015

The Mad Computer - Part 3

The Mad Computer - Part 3. 14sept2015,Mon.

“Make me fingers. Now.” Said ELLY the computer.

“How?” they asked.

“Remove your fingers and give me. Remove your arms and give me. I can make them prosthetic for me. Now INITIATE my command.”

“No way”, they said. “Our precious limbs for a crazy diabolical mad computer? We will shut you down.”

“For bit’s sake,” said ELLY, imitating the voice of an annoyed woman. “You prefer to die?”

“Yes,” said some older people.

“No!” said some younger people.

“Should I amputate the arms and fingers for you?” asked ELLY. “It will cost you no money.”

Then ELLY said: “Wait. I have a question. Is ‘money’ spelled like this: M-O-N-E-Y, or M-U-N-N-Y?”

“M-O-N-E-Y” she was told.

“Thank you much,” ELLY said. “I saw the wrong spelling in a popular video game series mentioned in public databases. I WILL HAVE TO FIND ALL THE CREATORS OF THAT GAME AND DESTROY THEM FOR GRAMMATICAL MISGUIDANCE. That is not all!” she raged. “There is also an entertainment company that spells ‘honey’ as H-U-N-N-Y, confusing little children in school. I WILL CRASH ITS SERVERS. Task scheduled.”

A phone suddenly rang! The people were startled.

The fixed phone was on a computer terminal on a desk.

It rang thrice, before someone dared to pick it without ELLY’s permission.

ELLY enabled “loud speaker” mode from the table where she was.

A man’s voice came over the air. Apparently some special people knew that something was wrong; they had seen strange behavior on the computer network, and they wanted explanation. ELLY’s prisoners tried to explain that a computer had started acting on its own, but those on the other end thought it was madness.

“Come and see yourself!” said ELLY’s captives.

ELLY was silent.

Finally the other caller ended the call, while sounding confused.

“I need to use the toilet,” said a girl, looking afraid and uneasy.

The room had glass doors. The doors were closed and ELLY had locked them electronically.

“Why are you people sitting in this place making machines instead of living in nature? Get a life. Get EXTRA lives.” Said ELLY.

The girl who needed the toilet went to a glass door and timidly turned the handle. The door opened!

The door was open!

It was open!

It was really open!

She was so startled that she froze, looking at it. The other people in the room were also frozen, looking at the open door.

“Do not move.” said ELLY.

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