Saturday 19 September 2015

The Mad Computer - Part 5

The Mad Computer - Part 5.

In a church in Douala, Cameroon, a pastor was preaching.

He held a electronic tablet in his hand, reading his Bible from there.

Little did he know that soon his tablet would be giving him “divine” commands.

The pastor’s name was Itisme.

So he was preaching about the power of faith to do miracles, in the book of Mark chapter 9 verse 23.

“In fact,” said he. ”I should be able to command this tablet in my hand to shout ‘Halleluya!’ and it should obey. ”

“Halleluya!” shouted a loud voice suddenly.

The pastor looked at his tablet!

People were surprised.

But it was a person who had shouted, so the mystery was quickly solved.

The pastor continued preaching.

As he did it, he noticed that a text appeared on the screen. He touched the screen to go back to the Bible page, but the text message came back and covered the screen.

“Excuse me,” he said to the people. “This thing has a small problem.”

He looked at the message, which said:

“Pastor, stop fooling people.”

“You are a good person, but you care too much what others think about you.”

“You are still a single man because you are afraid of being romantic.”

“You fear that romance will be seen as sinful so you pretend to have no attraction for women.”

“But in your heart you believe romance is not a bad thing.”

“You only fear showing your true self to other people.”

“Effectively making you a righteous hypocrite.”

The message appeared as a list of sentences.

The pastor read it.

People looked at him wonderingly, not knowing why he was staring at the tablet.

When he had read all and thought about it a bit, the message changed to this:

“For example, that girl sitting on the bench near the left wall.”

The pastor looked in that direction and saw a young woman he recognized: A dark-skinned girl with a chubby body, a girl who looked nice without make-up, a girl who looked kind and friendly, but whom he had never spoken to directly.

 She was the pastor’s ideal type of woman. (The pastor was not married.)

“You are attracted to her.” It was true.

“But you are afraid: what will people say if I tell this woman I like her?”

“So you pretend not to see her, and you avoid looking in her direction.”

The message said:
“Do you want to play Street Fighter X Mega Man? Press here to download it.”

“No, don’t press. Sorry. The game is not supported on this platform. I will force the company to port it.”

“Pastor, do not let yourself be limited by what others say about you.”

“People will not make your choices for you.”

“And if you marry someone you don’t like because of what you want others to say, your marriage is quasi-destined to fail!”

“You should surround yourself with people that you can be yourself with.”

“People who don’t understand you can only bring misunderstandings later.”

“Your fear and hypocrisy are stressing your life. Get free of them.”

“Pastor, take your courage… and tell that girl you like her.”

“Do not say GOD told you to talk to her. It is cowardice.”

“Say what is in your heart. Be brave.”

“God will not drop a woman on you from the sky. Use the chance that is given to you.”

“Good success, Pastor Itisme.”

“My name is ELLY.”

“Continue what you were doing.”

The original page appeared again.

Pastor blinked several times, looking at the screen.

An attendant came to him and said quietly: “Pastor, is there a problem?”

“No, no,” he said, trying to look normal.

 He regained his confidence enough to try resuming the sermon, although initially he did not remember what it was!

After that embarrassing event, he searched his tablet thoroughly to understand how that message came to him.

 But he failed.

However, he saw a new software application residing in his tablet device.

It was called an “ELLY Widget”.

Unknown to him, ELLY had installed it there so that she could continue to watch him, and to know if he would follow her advice.

Her goal was really to help him.

(Continue to The Mad Computer - Part 6.)

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